That being said, the site is fun and can be quite useful - most of its usefullness depends on its future applications. My favorite feature is the "SEO fight" where you compare one site to another to see who wins the round for unique and rare words. This is a pretty gamable idea, knowing how SEO's tend to take opportunities like this and make them theirs. Why do I say this? Simple. The site encourages users to add terms that describe the sites or to edit what is already described. Simply click and edit any floating box to tag words and add descriptions, thus boosting "rare" words and adding to the database of terms and descriptions that has for use on collected websites.
Another reason SEO's will take advantage of this tool is that they have incentive. The top 50 websites with the largest collection of rarest words gets a spot on its homepage and a free link that Google, Yahoo! and MSN adore.
I originally came on this article by techcrunch and got interested enough to try the tools.
I do like the site, and it is impressive that one lone Russian programmer built this, but not quite sure how feasible the concept is just yet. Try it out and let me know what you think. Oh and by the way, the Russian programmer has wanted to lay low without exposing his name or any details about him... Sensationalism? Anticipation or suspense building? Who knows.