How often have you sat by your laptop or cellphone and wished you could reach out to an audience while daydreaming, only to know you've gotten through loud and clear? Nope, me neither... but someone's got to get a reason.
I admit, when blogs just became known, I shrugged them off as diaries for little kids back in 2000-2001, but they have certainly come of age and advanced far beyond what I expected. Although they are in fact fun or useful and informative, there are lacking elements such as touch, animation and smell. Obviously we have not come of age for those senses through technology (at least not publically known or available).
Welcome to Vlogs. Practically an online video diary which can be used in a plethora of ways - everything from commercials to low-budget films to someone's every day existance. I can certainly ses this as a huge thing in the next year two with the abundant proliferation of video blogginh devices such as cell phones, Ipods and combination gizmos.
Let us all rejoice, yet another way to waste time in the office! But seriously, this coulod be a liberating experience for you and I, perhaps even a life saving method of delivery for those without the means to get their messages out from third-world countries and the like...
We will soon see and be able to contribute to this new found and widely available medium.
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